Welcome to the latest edition of ‘Ask the Expert’, where every month Shaun Hunt – Technical Manager of Impey Showers will be addressing issues relating to level-access and specialist showering for those with disability needs.
This month we will be looking at:
Shower Waste Pumps.
In the June edition of Care Agenda we introduced shower waste pumps and how they are used to overcome the lack of a gravity drainage system.
This month we will look at shower waste pumps and their features and benefits.
There are many shower waste pumps available on the market and their performance in terms of flow rate, control, noise output and reliability can vary greatly from model to model.
It is important to consider these factors when deciding the most suitable shower waste pump for your needs.
Shower waste pumps can be roughly categorized into 3 tiers and it is necessary to budget accordingly:-
Reliable pump, basic features, noisy operation
Reliable pump, variable speed technology, quiet operation
Reliable pump, variable speed technology, quieter operation, high flow rate
Some shower waste pumps (typically in the mid to upper level category) have a plug ‘n’ play feature which allows them to be connected directly to an electric shower and directly monitor the water flow rate passing through the shower. The pump then varies its speed to match it, this results in much quieter operation.
Those without such a feature will require a separate flow sensor to be plumbed into the water supply pipe to the shower.
Many shower waste pumps are designed to work with a specific shower (plug ‘n’ play) and are often available as a package if required, although there are also shower waste pumps that are compatible with a wide range of showers and these tend to fall into the standard level category.
The wide range of Shower Waste Pumps available mean that Impey can usually provide the most suitable one for your needs, basic pump, digital pumps (Plug'n'Play) and high specification Digital Pumps.
Whatever your requirements our experienced Technical Team at Impey will be pleased to advise you.
Coming up next month......Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMV’s)
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